The blog is a sensible and crucial sector of our today’s internet. It most is a way of imparting knowledge, personal thoughts and voicing an opinion to the common internet users. Thus, bloggers have emerged to write blogs. These blogs are usually 350 + words long. They are written in such a manner that the reader instantly connects to the content.
Blogging is an efficient way of making money. Bloggers get paid lots of money if their blog goes viral. Often, bloggers use their blog for a variety of topics. Some of them are
- New Findings in Technology
- News Event
- Gadgets related
Such blogs are quite common. A well-read blog that get around 10K unique clicks in a month roughly earn 1$/click. This amount is quite high (up to 4$/click in some countries) and sometimes quite low (0.5$/click is some countries).
Starting a blog is quite easy and one doesn’t have to be a Web Developer or computer scientist. Nowadays, many websites offer hosting services, online webspace, and bandwidth under one name.
So you only get billed once for a year. Or if you want, you can handpick the companies you want to hire individually.
Now we look at things that your future blog would require.
What else you need when you’re using the Internet as a means to connect with the world. My Step by Step Guide will help you with all the details you need to Start a Blog
Step 1. Domain name- (Preferably one that suggests your website niches)
Your blog would have a name and a shortened URL. The URL will act as a prospective address from which people will found you. It would look something like The .com at the end can be changed. This would be a cheaper option. Now, this internet name would cost you money. And you would have to buy this name from a third-party vendor. This would collectively cost you 7$ to 10$/year.

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You can easily get that from one of the largest domain registrar like Godaddy and NameCheap at a cheaper rate. To register a domain name with GoDaddy would cost you anywhere between 9.99$ per year and a bit high on NameCheap that charges similar but with an effective price on 10.69$ per year.
The one thing you need to understand the Domain name has a validation period you have to pay the annual fees and renews it on the year-end so as to keep using the domain name. This is simply an amount we all pay for and nothing much to be bothered.
Step 2. Web Hosting from a reputed Hosting Provider -( Provides you a server and a database for all your multimedia files)
Your blog’s space would be reserved by a company in its database. So every time a person reads your content, the disk space will be a source of the material. Reserving space is costly. And a blogger usually has to save 1GB for his content. So 1GB of disk space will cost you $ 3 every month.
Recommended Blog Web Hosting
Why do you need it? You need a platform, precisely a disk space where your contents, database files rest upon. We guess this is one of the most important and choosing a web host can be a little tricky when every other hosting company plunging to be the best. The best you can to do know, examine your future site to know how much resources you need and how much traffic you need to grow as a successful blogger.
It’s important that you don’t allow spending more than 10$ per month because usually, traffic does not come all of a sudden. So, paying on decent web hosting anywhere between 1.99$ to 3.50$ per month can be an ideal choice for every newbie out there.
On our recommendation we can know how to choose your ideal host. And below are some plans you can look for. The hosting plans can be really helpful if you’re planning such we suggest you go through the plans and the features associated with it,
Step 3. Customization will help you to pull more audiences into engagement (A decent clutter-free theme and a with help of some plugins you are almost ready to Rock!!)
Using customization on your website will make it look technically well. Even color combinations and styling can be done by third party websites like WordPress. WordPress offers various themes and other customizations to its users. Most are free, but the better and more secure one will cost you. You can take a look at some of the best-paid themes for designers, developers, and bloggers. They are pretty less in resources that load faster on your website and far away better than the free themes. You get 24×7 support when it comes to obtaining a paid theme.
Step 4. The Content is the King ( Yes, that’s right! Always try to have unique post contents that are lengthy and appropriate for your audience. We always knew that sharing is caring and that’s what bloggers do)
Writing your own content is a nice idea. But often writing words isn’t easy. You could hire a guest writer and ask him to voice his opinion on an important matter. Also, you would use web service to proofread your article Time and money, both will be used in the research of your content.
Step 5. SEO (Generally, refers to Search engine optimization which is used by millions of bloggers and I think you should do it too. It helps the website or blogs to come on google rankings)
You ‘d want your content on top of Google Searches. If someone googles about your blog’s area of expertise, you should be visible to them. Doing this is a complex task. It usually better get it done by a person or freelancer. At the cost of 40$-50$, you can get your blog well-optimized and SEO’d. So hiring a good SEO person is important. Or if you can learn the basics from google or research you can pull up the cost and reduce the amount and keep it for web hosting or buying extra resources when you exhaust your resource limit.
Step 6. Using a Digital marketing company to do all this. When you have limited time and money, delegating the work can be helpful unless you see a good potential through your website.
There are companies in the market that will do all the above tasks for you. And you’ll be billed once per year. This is usually a better option if you don’t have a networking background. These companies will buy the domain for you, reserve disk space, a server, and SEO, including designing as well. Companies such as offers such a service. This is quite convenient and gets you started quickly.
Step 7. Using WordPress for blogging (Most recommended one due to lots of customization and plugins available)
Using WordPress is a great idea if blogging is your hobby. WordPress’s basic features are free. You can also have a free account, in which you would have to spend no money and your blog would be running. However, such accounts have a very customization option. The modification allowed is pretty basic as themes, plugin layouts are limited. However, these things are still enough to power a blog. Also using WordPress requires no time. You will be up and running in less than 10 minutes.
Running a blog is an easy task. One requires the right connections to connect with the masses.
Blogging has now become a profession. People are often called ‘food blogger’ or ‘Fashion Blogger’. Writing about a particular field is a nice niche. As your area of scope is limited, one must have complete knowledge of the field. Also, there is now video blogging where people make videos filmed by themselves. The video offers a nice viewing experience. Vlogging is quite popular on YouTube.
Writing a blog is also a high earning job. It is also a great marketing tool that allows you to market a product. A person whose blog goes viral can roughly earn 15000-20000 $ per month. And usually, you often get a great incentive if you decide to market a product. Blogging requires no skill in computing and networking. It is quite basic and easy if you are looking to start a blog.
No Technical Knowledge Required
Also, a particular language isn’t compulsory as the person can write the blog in his own language. The audience must see a great topic and great content. That is simple to lure views and clicks.
You can start by being a part-time blogger. Blog in your free time and write around 2 posts a week. 2 posts are sufficient for your blog’s weekly audience. But make sure that the content is nice and interesting. The content must have keywords.
Using keywords is important and necessary. If the content is about a particular topic, then the keywords would be relevant words to this topic. They will help optimize the article. Keywords should be used only 2-3 times in the entire topic. Keywords shouldn’t be used many times. Also, make sure that the content’s grammar is correct.
Growing as a blogger may be a hefty thing to look on. Especially when you consider 100’s of bloggers you’re competing with. I understand there are hundreds of frustrated hours involved in learning every bit of web design and development, writing posts, and all that. Try to be smart about how you spend your time and money. You may be a newbie blogger learning everything from zero with a limited budget trying to be a pro blogger who wants to make a lot of money by starting his own blog.
If your goal is to reach those thousands of guys around the internet and share your story, posts. Making the right investment in your very first blog is important.
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