Picking the best web hosting plan for your website is similar to the way how you purchase any commodity. Not everyone knows everything about a web hosting especially the components, although it’s better to know few than more. However, you may know how a hosting plan stands out to be the best from others.

How to Choose Best Web Hosting Plan for your Website

How to pick the best hosting plan for your website?

More often we see reliability, flexibility, quality as well the price are the top aspects of a hosting provider results in the better evaluation of the hosting plan. If you take a closer look you will find different hosting plans cater to different needs of the users. For instance, a business website requires a web hosting that provides you.

  1. Uptime close to 100%
  2. Good support mechanism
  3. Flexibility
  4. Pricing

When a business grows online you might need to set up different ways to retain customers and make more upsells. A wide introspection could have helped you to make the best decision for choosing a web hosting plan for your website.

  • Can the web hosting plan be upgraded easily in the future?
  • How much cost for upgrading the plan to a better one?
  • You might not like everything in hosting, so how difficult is transferring the hosting service to another company?
  • Check other benefits such as of add-ons/domains allowed based in needs
  • Check the prices for signups and renewal
  • Check to host control panel
  • Pay attention while reading the hosting company’s ToS & find out about account suspension and sever usage policy
  • Find out other supporting features such as backup, environment friendliness, etc.

To elaborate these points, we recommend you to make a close call towards choosing a web hosting service such as.

  1. Knowing the hosting needs
  2. Find out the reliability and uptime by reading reviews
  3. Know the benefits of hosting upgradation

How to know your specific hosting needs?

You cannot choose a web hosting plan for your website unless you know what you need. In this article, we will help you with specific questions that you should be asking before you hop in.

  1. What kind of website are you trying to build?
  2. Do you have to want to host for a WordPress blog?
  3. Do you need a windows application?
  4. Do you aim for a special version of software such as PHP
  5. Do you need a website that requires special software?
  6. How much you think traffic on the website can surge?
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These are some helpful questions that are brought together to make an informed decision while choosing the best web hosting plan for your website.

If you are a beginner it is advised to start small with a good shared hosting account. A shared hosting account is inexpensive, easy to set up and maintain and sufficient for low traffic website. In regard to upgrading the account to VPS or dedicated hosting a later stage is possible.

Take a look at the Best Shared Hosting/Plans I personally feel good

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What to look for in a web hosting?

  1. Server Reliability/Uptime scores

A web hosting having 24×7 operations seems extremely good for a user. While others may claim for a stable network, it is certain that any web hosting able to provide 99.5% or more is an excellent uptime score for anyone.

  1. Sever Upgrading options

Shared hosting is too good this day. Having almost all the features of a VPS a shared hosting provides sufficient support for proper optimized WordPress blog with a traffic of 30k-50k monthly unique visitors. Shared hosting indeed a good choice for a beginner unless you limit your parallel databases connection below 20.

  1. Multiple Add-on Domains

Fortunately, domain names are cheap but it’s hard to resist not owning more than one

  1. Prices: Hosting Signup vs Renewal cost

There are many hosting deals runs throughout the year, especially shared hosting normally sells for cheap during signups but later can levy a higher cost on renewals.

It is basically a trick used by hosting companies to retain customers. So that they can never go find the alternatives. However, if you are one such person who hoops between every 2-3 hosts at the end of the hosting period. Then there is absolutely no cost involved for pricey renewals.

  1. E-commerce features
  • Are you planning to start an e-commerce website?
  • Do you like to use a specific shopping cart software?
  • Do you need a process business transaction for your website?
  • Do you like to add a process business transaction on your website?

If you are planning to start an e-commerce website with said features in the list. You also need to care about SSL certification, dedicated IP or one-click shopping cart software installation which is some of the important aspects you will need for sure.

  1. Accounts suspension: What are the limitations?
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There are several ways through which your hosting company may end or suspend the service offered to you. If you are drawing too much CPU power or violating shared hosting rules. Read all documents before you sign up for a web hosting. It’s is important to read the rules.

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Features you should consider before selecting your web hosting plan

  1. Email@youdomainname.com

If you wish to obtain an email account associated with your website then you should be looking at the email features before you sign up with the host. Most companies do provide a free hosting email account but few don’t. So make sure you don’t fall prey to it.

  1. Site Backup

When setting up a website followed by content building and other stuff are the most important aspects however the most neglected thing is having a “site backup” feature which corresponds safety of your valuable data during when your site gets hacked. Or damage may happen from severe hard disk failure of you sever too. If your hosting practices site backups regularly then your hosting provider can help you retrieve the lost data from a backup taken previously. And help you run the site again efficiently.

  1. 24/7 Live chat support

We do get stuck sometimes the same with a web hosting. Choose a web hosting that can provide a live chat over the phone. Or let you read all the documentation so that you can do the necessary pieces of stuff by yourself. If you prefer telephonic conversation, email support instead choose a web hosting that provides similar to what you want.

  1. Refund Policy & Free Trial Period
  • Do you require a free hosting trial, if yes what other things you should be looking at?
  • How good the hosting company refund’s policy is after the trial ends?
  • Do they charge something for the cancellation of hosting plan?

These are a few questions asked by many peoples over time. And we think they are one of the most vital queries from a user perspective when signing up a host. There are few hosting companies that charge absurdly high cancellation refunds so pay attention to T&C before you end up losing much money. Whereas other hosting provider’s guarantees complete money back on a pro-rated basis after the trial has expired.

  1. Essential features in a web host
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There are some basic things such as file management, site stats provided by every web hosting provider. But keep informed that other features are available as well (ftp/sftp, one-click installer, DNS management) and a file manager too.

  1. An easy way to maneuver the hosting control panel

Not all hosts have similar functionalities but most with user-friendly control panel with extensive functionality since it is the place through which you operate most of your business needs. It hardly matters whether the hosting partner lands you with cPanel or Plesk or even a third party control panel. All you need is user-friendly with necessary functions.

  1. Server Responsiveness

Responsiveness is measured through when someone enters hits your domain name until the server acknowledges the request on the other end. This process is known as Time to First Byte, a web hosting that provides better response takes less time for a website to load itself. Responsiveness is an important aspect when choosing a web hosting because users can access your site swiftly.

  1. Environment friendliness

Last but not least but an eco-friendly web host is a primary concern for many webmasters. It is said that a web server produces more than 630kgs of Co2 and consumes more than 1,000KWh of energy. Which is why some green web hosting companies remains a preferred choice for many industry experts.

Quickly Wrapping up on Best Hosting Plan

In the following article, we have discussed mainly hosting needs. It is a walkthrough on how you can choose the best web hosting plan for your website. Followed with the list of things to be considered before you hop in finding a good web hosting. When comparing and choosing a hosting provider to ensure that you pick up a web hosting that brilliantly suits your needs.

Remember the article is not about finding the best web hosting in the world instead about finding the right web hosting plan for your website.

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