In the very competitive Web hosting market, it is alway a very difficult job to select the best web hosting sites. In this article, I will provide you the detailed comparison between Fastcomet and Hostgator on different parameters which will help you to decide your hosting partner. I hope My article on Fastcomet vs Hostgator will clear your doubt which is the best hosting company.

Fastcomet vs Hostgator

Fastcomet and Hostgator two are the most trusted web hosting company in 2017 and I came across many such users who are confused about the best one. I have research online and I found that many webmaster owners who are giving hosting comparison are very technical and normal non technical guy will never understand such comparison. To overcome such technicalities, I am writing this comparison on Fastcomet and Hostgator so that any layman can understand and easily decide which is the best suitable hosting company.

Fastcomet vs Hostgator – Find out the Best Hosting Company

I will compare Fastcomet and Hostgator on different 18 parameters which users actually look into the hosting company and according to this parameter you can decide your hosting company.

Price During Signup

  • Fastcomet – The Shared hosting price of Fastcomet starts at $3.95 per month for three years hosting plans
  • Hostgator – If you are going with Hostgator, then you have to spend $3.92 per month,but you can keep the watch on Hostgator Offers and discounts where you can get at a price of $2.95 per month

In comparison on Price parameters, it’s a tie between Fastcomet and Hostgator

Price During Renewal

This is very important aspect of looking for web hosting provider and i.e Renewal Rate. What you have to pay during renewal rate

  • Fastcomet – The Renewal rate of Fastcomet is the same as that of Purchase rate, So after 3 years you have to pay only $2.95 per month
  • Hostgator – The renewal rate of Hostgator is very high then the purchase rate. The monthly renewal rate of Hostgator is $6.95 , so here you have to pay $3 extra per month
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So, in the Renewal Price, Fastcomet is the best to choose your hosting service.

Domain Name

  • Fastcomet provides Free Domain name for Lifetime (Till you have hosting account with them)
  • Hostgator provides Domain for a Single year and after that you have to pay $12.95 per month

In this comparison, Fastcomet again takes a lead again


  • Hostgator is providing Web hosting Since 2002 i.e they have around 15+ years of experience in Hosting industry
  • Fastcomet is in web hosting industry from last 7 years and they have launch their Cloud SSD hosting service in Late 2013

In the terms of experience, Hostgator takes a lead in compare with Fastcomet

Web Space

  • Fastcomet provides 15 GB of SSD Web Space in their basic hosting plan
  • Hostgator provides Unmetered web space in their basic hosting plan

Here, Hostgator takes a lead but please read their terms and conditions they say don’t use their 25% server resource at any point of time or you account would be suspended


  • Both Fastcomet and Hostgator provides unmetered bandwidth, SO there is a tie between in this parameters


  • In terms of stability, Fastcomet and Hostgator are the best, both of them provide a stable hosting experience and you will not face any kind of hosting related issue

Customer Service

  • Both Hostgator and Fastcomet provides 24x7x365 days of customer support service via Live Chat, Email and Support ticket

Here the only thing, I like of Fastcomet is Live Chat is directly available on website and within 10 seconds you can connect with the Fastcomet chat team.


  • Hostgator is providing web hosting service from 15+ years and Fastcomet started their ssd web hosting 3 years 4 years before. If you talk about reputation, it is same both are the reputed hosting company
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Multiple Add-on Domains

  • Fastcomet and Hostgator doesn’t provide Multiple Add on Domain in basic account but in other hosting plans you can host unlimited websites

An Easy-to-use Hosting Control Panel

  • Both Fastcomet and Hostgator provides the latest Cpanel to manage your hosting

Account Suspension: What are the limitations?

  • Fastcomet – Fastcomet is one of the best hosting company which takes care of their customer, but if you exceed the MYSQL database or you forget to renew your hosting service then your hosting account can be suspended. But they didn’t suspend your account without informing you. They will inform you via Mail so that you should be aware and contact them, so that they can help you out.
  • Hostgator – Hostgator suspends your account when you use 25% of resource at any moment of time.

Here, I find Fastcomet is more responsive in tackling such issue then Hostgator

  • Fastcomet provides Unlimited Email Accounts to every hosting plan. YOu have webmail, Auto responder, Email Filters, Email Forwarders,SMTP and Mailing lists
  • Hostgator also provides Unlimited Business Email ids, Web mail, Auto responders, IMAP and SMTP

Subscription Period

  • For Maximum you can Purchase or Subscribe your web hosting for 3 years

Site Backup

  • Fastcomet takes daily and weekly backup of your whole website and In Single click you can restore your whole website
  • Hostgator doesn’t provide automatic Backup of your website, you need to backup your website manually, which you can do from Cpanel

24/7 Live Chat Support?

  • Fastcomet provides 24×7 Live Chat Support service and within 10 Sec you are connected with them and they are very knowledgeable team
  • Hostgator also provides Live Chat support, But the issue is with them is they ask us to click the link and Pop up will open. It is very annoying and test of patience to connect with them
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According to me Fastcomet provides the best live chat support and Personally I have experience with them

FREE Extras: Anti-Malware, Global CDN, Security etc

  • Fastcomet provides Free Cloudflare CDN, Web Application Firewall, Brute-force Protection, Malware Removal, CageFS Security
  • Hostgator doesn’t provide Free Cloudflare CDN and nor they have mentioned about providing security support such as Web application firewall, Brute force protection, malware removal

Here, Fastcomet takes a way lead in compare to Hostgator

SSL Features

  • Fastcomet provides Free Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificate and in a single click you can install on your website and it is renewed automatically by Fastcomet and Here you do not have to purchase a Static Ip to use this. so here you are saving $2 to $5 per month on static IP
  • Hostgator doesn’t provide Free SSL certificate, but in higher hosting plans it is free but you have to purchase a Static Ip to use that

If you want HTTPS certificate enable to your website without paying any penny then Fastcomet should be your first choice

Offers, Discounts and Coupon Code

  • If you are decided to host your website with Fastcomet, then ask the live chat support team for any offers and discounts. You can read  my detailed Fastcomet Review to know it better
  • If you planned to host your website on Hostgator, then you can use exclusively Hostgator Coupon Code BLOGGER25FREAK to get Flat 25% discounts on your hosting bill

So, Here are the detailed Fastcomet vs Hostgator comparison comparing on different 18 parameters which you think before purchasing any web hosting company.

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