There are many cheap hosting companies out there but the cheapest is one that offers best specifications in minimal price. Today, we’ll be discussing some of the best web hosting under $3 per month.

When looking for the best cheap web hosting. Webmasters undeniably pertains to the lowest price to keep the site up and running. If you’re one looking for a web hosting, a shared hosting plan would be the best choice and remarkably one of the cheapest of all. These is ideally the best for a new blog or websites and for small or mid range with 20-25k traffic.

best web hosting under $3

In this post, we’re listing the best web hosting under $3 per month. Although, we have always kept in mind when deciding on the cost factor of a web hosting. But there are other factors too such as as the reliability of service, quality of hardware, and some bonus options. Even some web hosting offers extra tools on wordpress hosting at less than $3.

Note: There are other factors involved when signing up for a hosting plan. For instance signing up for a 3 years hosting plan would suffice a lower rate of monthly rental instead, it saves more in the long run.

Recommended Web Hosting Dollar 3 Per Month

Web HostPrice
Visit Website
TMDHosting$2.95/month (3 years)
Ipage$1.99/month (3 years)
Hostgator$2.63/month (3 years)

Let’s analyse our top picks for $3/month web hosting plans

TMDHosting shared web hosting

A budget web hosting with numerous other features and brilliant support. TMDHosting is one that we always preferred that offers a wide variety of hosting types and plans. Even the most cheap plan under $2.95 per month can be the entry level beside the highest renewal price. So, here again with a introductory price in our list is the one of the best affordable long term choice for most bloggers.


The plan also comes with the free domain name, free ssd, ssl and backups makes it a great performance and reliable hosting overall.

Some of the key features we liked about the TMDHosting are:

  • Affordable and reliable
  • Having a good reputation
  • Buy it at least price of $2.95/month
  • Offers a interactive Cpanel
  • Allowed to host 2 websites
  • You’ll get a domain for free
  • Industry graded SSD and SSL
  • Brilliant customer care experience
  • You can read my article, which provides all the Latest TMDHosting coupons and discounts

The bottom line

We have always suggested web hosting which not only offers better deals. Instead we looked more closely towards the actual performance of a web host with exceptional customer support.

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We definitely encourage you to host your wordpress, drupal or joomla sites in TMD Hosting. TMD Hosting offers a lot more with free integration for designers when looking to use a website builder with wordpress. TMD Hosting offers you just that. Now, you know the reason choosing the best web hosting under $3 per month. Also, all the other features like ‘One Click’ installation with softaculous is available for user needs.

So, why wait when you can grab this exciting deal from TMD Hosting with 60-days of money back guarantee. A total risk free investment and one of the top recommendations from us.

Read my detailed article on best web hosting for forums

Ipage Shared web hosting

A quick overview

Ever heard of this web host? Perhaps, not. This particular web host got neglected from most users. And, now essentially turning up eyebrows. Ipage is a popular and best web hosting company managed and owned by EIG. Ipage is silently doing well for years now. And, mostly recommended for small scale business owners. They offer pretty good web hosting for the price in sub-low category introductory price.

New signups gets a perfect choice for anyone with least budget. Ipages also offers enhancements with combination of various developer resources and performance surge to tackle the industry growing needs.


The retail package of this hosting plans are similar to what other offers but we insist you to take a dig with their enhancement level such as scalable bandwidth, 24×7 monitoring, that further helps in getting around 99.9% uptimes from them.

They also offers managed wordpress plugins with custom made Cpanel a developer sandbox technology and with free theme and more. Ipage literally has a good reputation worldwide and generally take care of brilliant responsive page loads using some scripts.

Ipage offers a easy to use navigation functionalities for beginners or someone starting off in tight budget. We come across the following things while using Ipage shared hosting plan.

Features that we liked in Ipage shared hosting plan

  • One of cheapest hosting with plenty of included features
  • Offers the best value for hosting a blog
  • Top choice for someone looking for web hosting
  • Customer support via telephone, live or chat is available.
  • Features like easy integration of google apps for work
  • Seamless affordable and reliable managed wordpress hosting plans
  • Uses MOJO marketplace for variety of plugins templates or video.
  • Easy vDeck which is easy and simple to use control panel
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The bottom line

Ipage is definitely a good choice for brewing entrepreneurs and small business owners who like to have a web presence with minimal price. Cheap hosting generally not means bad, Ipage certainly take cares of both functionality and performance that goes hand-in-hand. Although you won’t find the conventional Cpanel where Ipage offers a similar thing like vDeck Platform.

Ipage offers a free website builder but we recommend you to go with wordpress for best CMS scripts. The integration of professional services like email marketing, technical support and so on are the growing need of web hosting industry.

However, Ipage offers you similar functionalities with a nominal charges which one can use to reach out more. Ipage offers a committed innovation platform for continuing new upgrades features for all its web hosting users. Overall, Ipage looked well when reviewed which continues to thrive strong customer support growth in near future.

Read my detailed article on Best Laravel Hosting, by reading this article, you will come to know the hosting where you can easily host your php framework

HostGator Shared Hosting

One of the powerful and reliable web hosting at a minimal price.

Have you ever heard the name? We know, you must have seen or read somewhere about HostGator. Let’s share you something we found when reviewing the particular web host. As, we know HostGator is one of the well known brand and seen as highly reputed among the top hosting companies competitive fights. There are several other things we found out while reviewing it on long term.


Thanks to the special deal that HostGator is offering it’s new customers under entry-level shared hosting plan where you can invest little as $3 per month ( Only if you choose 3 years duration). The plan is supposed to come at $2.63 and includes most of the premium features that you’ll not get anywhere else.

This plan is just priced at $2.78 per month with 24×7 support, 1-Click installation  from Mojo marketplace. A 45- days no question asked money back policy. The renewal rates are just from $6.95 to $10.95 depending upon the term you choose. All this is to get a rock solid performance hosting from industry leading web hosting company i.e HostGator

Some of the best features that we’ve liked on Hostgator shared hosting plan:

  • High speed / reliability
  • Get it below $3 per month
  • Renewal charges are $6.95
  • Comes with Cpanel
  • Only 1 website is allowed
  • Get $100 Google & Bing ads
  • Get absolutely free website migration
  • Legendary customer support with live chats and emails.
  • Support form popular CMS scripts and programming languages.
  • Plans that suits the needs of both Cpanel (linux) and Plesk (windows) server platforms.
  • Read my detailed article on Hostgator Coupon Code which will help you to save on your hosting bills
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The bottom line

It’s better to go for brand that has massive online reputation. Thus, Hostgator has been a popular among most of bloggers and webmasters for around 15 years. They also offers variety of Linux as well as windows hosting plans.

The features are pretty awesome with Hostgator plans with standard Cpanel, WHM, CentOS along with windows. There are custom platforms innovation that offers new development tools when being offered. Overall a great buy for the price. They are most likely to sell their hosting services as a commodity to the price where they rebrand a collection of hardware purchases with licensed managing a high turnover margins from the clients.

As, Hostgator offers greater value for the money. With their rock solid server hardware, network facilities and data center it’s reliable to look for best web hosting under $3 perhaps, Hostgator is the top most choice for everyone now.

Quickly wrapping up

When using a web hosting service, it’s necessary for you to understand everything before you end up buying something that you don’t need. First of all your web hosting provider should provide you the necessary resources in order to get your visitors connect with the website.

Also, in order to identify the best web hosting under $3, we insist you to evaluate these points before making any decisions.

  • How good are the user satisfaction?
  • Server and support quality?
  • Uptime
  • Backups databases options
  • Security features
  • Choice of linux vs windows server
  • Pricing
  • Payment option monthly, yearly

Somehow or the another you may know that a hosting solutions for professional web hosting, involves supply and the maintenance of the server. It carries some costs for the operator. Likewise, these are 4 major web hosting provider which enables you to get start your blogging journey at a minimal cost.

With 3$ per month, you’re free to use WordPress to create blog, website or anything you like to grow your presence online. As, these shared hosting plans are most likely to handle limited traffic and comes at pocket friendly prices.