Are you planning to start Online Forum website and you are in confusion to select the best and most popular open source forum software? Then this article is for you. Here, I this article you will find the list of Top 6 Free Forum software which will help you to create one of the best forum websites. When you will do research online, you will find there are hundreds of Paid and Free forum software available in the market and it always causes a confusion to decide. By reading the complete article, It will clear all your doubts regarding the forum software.

Read my detailed article on the Best Forum Hosting provider, which will help you to decide your hosting partner

In this article, I will only provide you the list of free open source forum software that will help you to create your forum or community website with little coding knowledge.

I hope you will like this Article on Free Forum Software and if some great and popular open source forum software is missing from the list do inform me through the comment section. I hope you will find them very useful for your forum or community website

List of Popular Free Open Source Forum Software

bbPress – It is one of the best open source forum software that you can use to create your forum website or discussion website. bbPress is the product of wordpress where you can easily setup discussion or forum website inside your powered site. You can create the similar and powerful forum as it is available on website.

bbPress - OpenSource Forum Platform

Features of bbPress – Free Forum Software

  • Installing bbPress is very easy
  • It is very easy to moderate your forum
  • It is Fast and less cluttered forum software
  • Fully integrated with central account, unified admin area and single click installation is provided
  • Step by Step installation guide is available, so it makes very easy to install
  • It is multisite forums where you can divide your website and allow the users to create content
  • YOu can read my detailed article on Best bbPress Hosting provider
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phpBB – If you are looking for the best open source forum software then phpBB is the best forum software for your website. It is one of the best free forum software which comes with a bulletin board type format. By using phpBB forum software you can create a website with group of people or you can power the full fledge entire website. It has hundreds of style and images that will help you to create a unique forum website within minutes.

phpBB - Opensource Forum Software

Features of phpBB – Best Open Source Forum Software

  • phpBB is completely free
  • It comes with GNU GPL license coded in PHP and Latest version phpBB is 3.2.0
  • Full user preferences is provided where your user has the full control over their account
  • It has different moderate section
  • It has unread message tracking system
  • User of your forum will have the privileged to send the private message to other users of your forum
  • For More features, you can visit phpbb official site
  • Read my detailed article on phpBB Hosting service

Simple Machines Forum – In short it is also known as SMF ,As its name suggests, it is a very simple but professional discussion open source forum software where you can create your own forum or online community website within a click. It has many inbuilt powerful features for you as well as the users.

SMF Forum Software

It is a powerful custom made engine which provides you the full control of your message board. SMF is written in PHP and MySql database. It is next generation forum software and it is completely free

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MyBB – It is one of the most powerful and used free open source forum software which provides a powerful moderation and administration feature to keep your forum in top condition. MyBB has every feature that you need to start and run a successful forum or community website.

MyBB opensource forum script

Features of MyBB – The Best Open Source Software in 2018

  • Ease of use – MyBB Forum software is very easy to use for you and your forum users
  • By using the plugin system, you can add any features that you need for your forum
  • MyBB provides a very powerful moderation features that will help your staff to work on
  • It has private messaging options, which will help you to send the private messages to other registered users from your forum
  • Infinite number of threads, posts and polls can be created on your forum
  • You will have the option where user can give ratings and leave the comments on registered users thread and posts
  • You would have a warning feature, where you can warn or punish your users
  • MyBB has been developed in such a way that it provides excellent performance very efficiently
  • Read my article on Best MyBB Hosting Provider company

Vanilla Forums – Vanilla forum is simple and flexible free open source forum software that helps you to create your online discussion forums. It is very easy to install and manage vanilla forums. Vanilla forums also offer the paid version of its forum software with some advanced features.

Vanilla forum software

Features of Vanilla Forums

  • Vanilla forums provides a very enjoyable user experience and every design has some philosophical reason to support
  • Vanilla allows user to post questions and polls
  • Users of your forum can post in Rich text format. Images can be dragged and drop and the images can be adjusted
  • It has powerful user profiles with Avatars
  • Autosave, Real-time Preview, Powerful search with private messaging is some of the features of vanilla open source forum software
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Phorum – It is one of the best PHP based free open source forum and discussion platform. Phorum is working since 1998 and it has a very vast experience in providing forum software to the user who is willing to start their own discussion board. Phorum software is fully customizable and you can use this software as per your need and requirement.

Phorum opensource forum software

Features of Phorum – Free Open Source Forum Software

  • Phorum provides you the facility to remove the branding of phorum and you can use your branding name.
  • It is a very flexible and module system which provides you the option to fully customize your forum as your requirement
  • Phorum software gives your designer full power to rearrange the data and any shape.
  • The templates are in pure HTML which is very easy to understand and easy to customize
  • It is built with PHP and MySql

Here are the List of Top and Best 6 Open Source forum software in 2017 that you need to look if you need to start your online forum community or discussion board.  I hope you have built a very popular forum website by using any of the open source forum software provided in this list.

Select any one of free open source forum software and start building your own Online Forum and Discussion community website.

Above are some free open source forum software that I have come across, Maybe I have missed some of the forum software, you are very welcome to let me know via comment